Monday, July 2, 2012

Facebook Ruby Blast Cheats & Tips: Bombs & Gems

Facebook Ruby Blast

Nova Flare, Starfall, and Cherry Bombs are the fastest way to help you get to the marker. Finding matching groups are less frequent the deeper you go, so try to save Shuffle Magic for deeper areas of the mine. You can also use this to help get passed the line, but it's not as instantaneous as one of the explosive power-ups

Save "regular bombs", drills, Nova Flares, Starfall and Cherry Bombs for the last 10 seconds to help drill downward. Spend time learning what each one does, and you'll quickly pick up how to conserve them better over time. 

Focus on matching as many gems in a row as possible. Click 10 sets in a row (with no pauses in between) and you'll hit "blast mode". Click 10 more during blast mode, and the row above and below the line gets blasted. This is helpful for clear those tough-to-blast obstacles in the mine. 

Speaking of, beware of non-purple rocks: Those rocks require 2 blasts, so try and use a power-up when one comes up. 

Focus on sets at the bottom at the line. These will blast the un-bricked areas around them and get you passed the line. 
Remember, the further down you get, the less frequent sets appear. So, working the bottom increases your chances of getting sets since more bricks shift around when cleared.

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